Tuesday 12 August 2014

Hello! (A Brief Introduction)

Hi! My name is Hollian and I'm currently 19 years old and a student living in the deep deep Devon countryside and studying Art and Design in Somerset, England. My interests include drawing, painting, reading, film, photography, exploring, travelling and all-round being as creative as I can.

This creativity has spread to the world of make-up and styling. I am a long-term sufferer of acne (being a teenager sometimes isn't so fun) and from this has stemmed an interest in not just ways to gain personal confidence but to use art to experiment and have fun with make-up and beauty. I'm also a particularly big fan of cruelty-free products (being a big animal lover) and companies such as Lush and you will likely see a lot of these on my blog!

Having an interest since school in writing this has lead me to want to create a collection of reviews sharing my opinions, both positive and negative, to help those of you out there wanting to try new things as I so often do. This site will hopefully grow and develop to include different products and brands to give you some ideas of products out there that you yourself can enjoy.

So, I hope you stay tuned and enjoy the reviews which will be coming very soon!

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